Cracking the Code of International SEO in Amazon Selling

Did you know that over 50% of Amazon’s sales come from international markets? This staggering statistic highlights the incredible opportunity for sellers to tap into global audiences. However, translating your listings isn’t as simple as reaching these international customers. There is no way around it; you can only benefit from having a good international SEO plan. Global SEO makes the company more open for users, actively offering its products and services and building a brand worldwide.

In a Nutshell

This blog covers the essentials of international SEO for Amazon sellers, focusing on localising content, researching market-specific keywords, and leveraging Amazon’s global tools to increase visibility and drive sales across international markets.

Understanding the Basics of International SEO

Amazon international selling SEO is the basis for the growth of an Amazon business beyond the domestic market. It concerns arranging content to appeal to several countries or provinces.

What is International SEO?

International SEO is enhancing your website’s online presence and visibility for customers from other countries. This involves using the right keywords, localizing content, and comprehending regional search behavior. 

Why it Matters for Amazon Sellers

International SEO plays a vital role in business growth in the present context, specifically for Amazon sellers. There are millions of users worldwide on Amazon, and thus, your items will only be visible to the audience in other states if you optimize them.

Differences Between Local and International SEO

It is where people target the specific locality by including local phrases and content in the process. However, international SEO can only be achieved with a different strategy. It comprises translating your content for the various regions, distinguishing different search behaviors, and employing the keywords that are specific to each area. 

How International SEO Impacts Amazon Listings

Another reason is that International SEO directly impacts the listed amendments, which helps improve the ranking of the Amazon listings in various countries. They help ensure that your products reach potential clients in other countries, increasing the prospects of cross-border sales. 

Market Research

It is crucial to understand that market research is one of the critical factors of international SEO efforts. Knowing the markets you operate in makes it easier to apply the right strategies, which will help deliver good products to the region.

Identifying Target Markets

Target markets are potential areas where you may have high product demand levels. The central locations of consumption include the size of the market, people’s ability to consume, and competition from local players. Some of such indicators include Google Trends and data that Amazon has forwarded to the concerned product manufacturers about its potential.

Demand and Competition

To be successful in the international environment, it is necessary to understand market needs and competition in the industry. Study the most popular items in your sector in each targeted niche. You should determine why they are popular and how to set yourself apart and target them. 

Tools and Methods for Market Research

This is true because the proper techniques exist to improve market research. Tools such as Jungle Scout and Helium 10 contain a lot of data regarding the performance of the given product and leading trends. Local keywords can be obtained from Google Keyword Planner, while insights from the consumers’ social media platforms show their favorite products or services.

Keyword Research for International Markets

Keyword research is the foundation of international SEO that cannot be disregarded. It entails ascertaining the specific keywords the target clients use in finding goods in various geographical areas.

  • Language and search terms differ by region; use local slang instead of direct translations.
  • Use Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs to find and analyze keywords.
  • Analyze competitors’ keywords to find opportunities and gaps.
  • Adapt keywords for cultural relevance with input from local experts.
  • Monitor trends with Google Trends and social media, adjusting keywords as needed.

Optimizing Product Listings for Different Countries

Localization of product catalog implies that you should provide content that will conform to the tastes of the citizens of the said country and their search habits. This ensures that when marketing your product in different target markets, the brand’s visibility is boosted, thus increasing the appeal to the targeted market.

Titles and Descriptions

Products’ names and descriptions should be translated and adapted to a country’s SEO strategies. Translation of your content can be a good start, but it is not enough since it must appeal to local customers. It is best to hire individuals who are native English speakers or to use professional translation services in cases where translation is needed. Use local language, idioms, cultures, and even customers’ preferences for the language used.

Bullet Points and Product Features

Changing bullet points and product features requires the identification of local audience interests, which will be incorporated into the currency conversion. Knowing what features customers in the different markets prioritize, you should accentuate them in the listings.

Relevant Keywords

Using relevant keywords is also essential when it comes to localized content. Carry out keyword research per market and then fluidly incorporate these keywords in your title, description, and bullet points. This enhances the position of your product on search engines and guarantees that it is found where people have the potential to buy it frequently.

Managing and Optimizing Amazon Backend Search Terms

Web interfaces refer to terms conducted in the background to enhance the search results of your product in the market without the intervention of the end-user. Both terms need to be managed correctly for your international SEO to succeed.

Tips for International Backend Keyword Optimization

There are specific approaches for optimizing backend keywords for the international markets. First, inserting all the localized keywords defined during the research phase is essential. Employ other keyword combinations, such as those that contain words similar to the keywords and those spelled slightly wrong by the customers. 

Keyword Stuffing 

While it’s essential to include various keywords, avoid keyword stuffing, which can negatively impact your product’s search ranking. Amazon’s algorithm favors relevant and natural keyword usage. Focus on quality over quantity by selecting the most relevant keywords for each market. 

Amazon Tools for International SEO

Amazon offers a range of tools designed to help sellers optimize their international SEO efforts and expand their reach into global markets. 

Amazon Global Selling

Among those, the Amazon Global Selling tool allows sellers to offer their products in Amazon’s cross-border marketplaces. This tool reduces customer access in different countries since sellers can organize and transport their stocks from one place. Amazon Global Selling helps cater to cross-border selling and selling to local fulfilment centres through features such as multiple country inventory management, selling in various countries with different listings, selling in an other currency and using different prices.

Amazon Seller Central

Amazon Seller Central is the other crucial facility for SEO across international boundaries. This is where all the sales and performance data and supporting knowledge and tools for selling around the globe are accessed. It offers the International Market place to make global selling manageable where a seller can see the market performance with sales information.

Amazon Brand Analytics

Abaout Amazon Brand Analytics It is bined with valuable customer behavioral and search data, by market. Sellers are equipped with enough data by this tool that consists of the search terms used by international customers. It also enables competitor analysis – showing how competitors operate in the markets around the world.


Fortunately, international Amazon selling involves proper international SEO, which is essential for any company to perform well in the global reach selling market. Each of the requirements of international SEO listed and explained above will help you increase your website’s exposure, draw international customers, and expand your sales boundaries.

The globalization of markets is a reality, and the distribution of booming internet searches and customer preferences is a constant process. To ensure competitiveness, it is necessary to track the indicators of your international SEO regularly and adjust corresponding tactics according to modern statistics and tendencies. Frequently edit your articles and keywords to correspond with contemporary trends and ensure you compete with other engaged sites. Encourage perpetual acquisition of knowledge and adaptability to new opportunities and threats in selling internationally.


How can I conduct adequate keyword research for international markets?

Efficient international keyword research uses Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify keywords appropriate for different regions.Analyze local competitors to identify effective keywords. Regularly monitor trends and adjust your strategy based on performance data.

What are some common pitfalls in international SEO?

The significant issues that people often make include excessive use of keywords, wrong translation, and lack of localization.

How can AMZSparks help increase my Amazon sales?

AMZSparks is an advertising service for Amazon associated with the promotion of product traffic and an increase in web sales. Amazon’s advertising strategies make it possible to ensure that your campaigns get to the relevant audience in the best way possible.


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