How often should I update my Amazon PPC campaigns?

How often should I update my Amazon PPC campaigns

Running successful Amazon PPC campaigns is an ongoing process. Ever launched an Amazing Amazon ad campaign, only to see results fizzle out a few weeks later? It happens to the best of us. The thing about Amazon PPC Services is it’s not a “set it and forget it” kind of deal. To keep those sales rolling in, you gotta be ready to adjust and optimize your campaigns from time to time.

The question on every seller’s mind becomes: How often should I update my Amazon PPC campaigns? Here’s the truth: there’s no magic formula. Unlike that perfectly brewed cup of coffee, the update frequency for your campaigns depends on a unique blend of factors specific to your business.

In a Nutshell

This blog is about finding the perfect update rhythm for your Amazon PPC campaigns, considering factors like campaign age, performance, competition, and seasonality.

Importance of Regular Updates

Amazon PPC is best managed on a daily or weekly basis to keep it on track and see its progress in organic traffic. E-commerce is constantly evolving in terms of new competitors, continually changing consumer preferences and seasonal fluctuations. This way, you will be on the lookout for such changes and consequently make the most of your budget as well as achieve the most excellent ROI possible from your campaigns.

Weekly Updates

It is advisable to check the campaign’s performance frequently. Weekly meetings help you catch issues as soon as they appear. You should not give them a chance to become missed opportunities or inefficient ad spending.

Performance Metrics

Pay close attention to numbers such as the servers’ impression rate, click-through rate, CPC, conversion rate and ACOS. Refer to the following metrics to determine which keywords are likely to generate sales while the other are likely to consume your budget.

Bids and Keywords

Coming from your evaluation, adjust your bidding approach. Bid higher for other keywords that give the best results to take a better ad rank on high traffic. On the other hand, what should be done for keywords that do not seem to convert or are too costly? One can either stop or reduce bidding on them. 

Bi-Weekly Updates

It means that it is not a continuous process, and helps to be focused and not interfere too much while supervising. It enables the campaigns to accumulate more information for changes to be made.

Key Metrics

As opposed to weekly check-ins that could be more detailed, biweekly check-ins can help look at things differently. Capture specific campaign-level KPIs such as the number of sales, the ROAS, and the level of impressions.

Adjustments Strategy

it is necessary to use the results of the weekly/daily review and conduct a more detailed analysis no less often than every two weeks. This could entail experimenting with new ad copy messages, changing the parameters of targeting, or distributing the amount of money secured in the current campaign among the various ad groups according to their efficiency.

Read More – Is It Possible to See Quick Results from Amazon PPC campaigns?

Monthly Updates

Weekly and biweekly reviews reflect more on short-term performance, while the monthly reviews are an excellent chance to do needful and address significant strategic changes. 

Key Performance Indicators

You should shift your attention toward the more considerable indicators, such as the total sales, ROAS, and ACOS, over a more extended period. This way, you can determine the efficiency of a specific campaign and if there are things that could be done better.

Trend Analysis

Integrated into the system of weekly and daily reports, monthly reviews will help to shroud long-time tendencies. Are you recording small incremental numbers in terms of sales? Is your ACOS running rate declining? This basically aids in estimating future performance, and accordingly, the budgets for the campaigns can be planned.

Seasonal Shifts

This is perhaps the most evident area of concern since seasons are the central wheels that drive the dynamics of the e-commerce business. The two findings indicate that consumers’ buying behavior varies significantly from one period to another of the year. 

Major Shopping Seasons

It is advised that before the major shopping events such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, boost your campaign spend and target high purchasing related keywords. This helps ensure that one is concisely targeting clients who are actually in the market searching for associated products like yours.

Analyzing Seasonal Patterns

Based on previous sales and studying the tendencies of the seasons, you will be able to consider the amounts of demand during different seasons. It enables the optimization of your bids, keywords, as well as product listings in order to exploit everyday buying occasions.

Adapting to Market Changes

The Amazon marketplace for any business is not a stagnant or passive place. When dealing with Amazon PPC advertising strategies, new competitors appear, consumers’ preferences change, and even external events may affect the buying process. Well, the increasing competition levels simply state that to survive, let alone succeed, your PPC campaigns have to be dynamic.

Identify Shifts and Trends

The understanding of the best practices in the niche, the activity of competitors, and updates to the Amazon algorithm. Use the data provided by Amazon Seller Central or another platform to get sudden spikes or drops in keyword searches, conversion rates, or new entrants into the market.

Rapid Response

You should be ready to make quick assessments of the environment to adapt to the market swiftly. Outline the strategy on how you propose to modify your bids, quality keywords, and the targeting and advertising parameters based on a configured market fluctuation. These strategic actions put you in a position where you are not to be beaten by competitors or fail to access any new chance.

Best Practices and Tips for Effective PPC Management

Here’s a quick recap of the keywords for optimizing your PPC campaigns:

  • Select the update frequency of the list weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, depending on the campaign you are running. Evaluate the impression, click-through rate, cost per click, conversion rate, Amazon costs of sales and return on ad spend.
  • It is recommended to alter bids with regards to keywords used in order to get the most out of ad dollars spent.
  • Try out different versions of the ad text, the targeting and the keywords to find out what appeals to your audience.
  • Pay close attention to changes in the market and behaviors of your competitors to guarantee the relevancy of the campaigns.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Here are some of the issues that may cause a moment to stumble:

  • Not updating your campaigns from time to time is dangerous as you are likely to spend a lot of money and, at the same time, lose great opportunities.
  • The bids should be reviewed based on the data that is generated on performance continuously.
  • Then, negative keywords prevent the ads from being displayed for irrelevant searches, and thus, it should be used.
  • Aim at achieving short-term tangible results, while taking care of the organization’s sustainable broad objectives.

Tips for Effective Campaign Management 

Here is the additional advice to refine your PPC strategy:

  • A product listing is essential as it needs to be created to stand out and entice the customers with high-quality pictures and detailed descriptions of the features.
  • To some extent, try to rely on the available automation options in Amazon Advertising to manage some processes.
  • Be careful; it is always great to hire an Amazon PPC specialist to help and advise you more on how to do it.


Amazon PPC campaigns are not a one-time thing that you set and forget and so the optimization will also be a continuous one. Thus, by being aware of the trends, keeping an eye on the data, and making improvements constantly, you can guarantee the campaigns are successful during the year. Do not think that this would not work, try it out, keep track of how it is going, and change it if needs be. When you run diligently, and each aspect is regularly improved, your Amazon PPC campaigns can become a driving force to the sale of your products and realization of your business objectives.


How often should I update my Amazon PPC campaigns?

There isn’t a correct answer to this one, but some of the most used updates are the weekly, bi-weekly or monthly updates. This depends on the size of your campaign budget, the level of campaign maturity, and the level of competition in the industries.

What are the benefits of using AMZSparks services for my PPC campaigns?

AMZSparks can assist in establishing sound PPC tactics based on data, improving campaigns, and avoiding market shifts, thus making the maximum ad spend in Amazon.

What is a recommended starting point to update my Amazon PPC campaign?

It is advised that the first step is to conduct a weekly review. This enables you to check on the performance often thereby preventing situations where things go wrong to a point where it would be tough to rectify them. When your campaigns reach a more mature stage, and you gather a lot more information, you could even go down to updating your external clients on a bi-weekly or monthly basis.

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